2007年5月17日 星期四

What a funny picture! The stalk is curvy!
Look at Praveen......our group leader!
 What a terrible group hug!  picture of everyone!!! The sunflower looking at the shoal of fishes!! Are you happy Mr.sunflower? Remember to smile....! Reflections for lesson: Praveen:I find the lesson very interesting and meaningful. Siew Ming: Its fun! Ryan:I pity the sunflowers since they toppled over. What are your reflections? Woodlands Primary School :D
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|[ Sunflower001 | 清晨6:06 ]|
2007年5月16日 星期三
|[ Sunflower001 | 晚上11:21 ]|
|[ Sunflower001 | 晚上11:05 ]|
2007年5月11日 星期五
|[ Sunflower001 | 凌晨4:20 ]|
2007年5月10日 星期四
Some pictures of what we discovered today..
 Oh no! The sunflowers have toppled over!
Ryan(Group1) is trying to get rid of the ants
Our tallest sunflower, toppled over
In the end, all of them toppled over!
There are so many Red Ants! Help! (Yvonne from group 3)
Feelings: We feel sad because this problem has never happen before. We hope we can solve it!
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